ATSAF-JobNews 2024-02 View online
Council for Tropical and Subtropical Agricultural Research

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Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute vacancy: Researcher with experience in Geoinformatics and Spatial Data Science (f/m/d)

The Thünen Institute of Forestry of the Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute in Hamburg, Germany is looking for "Researcher with experience in Geoinformatics and Spatial Data Science (f/m/d; full-time TVOED, 27 months)" for the research project "GEOSpatial remote sensing-based detection of land use change in support of the EU regulation on deforestation-free supply chains (GEOS-EUDR)" funded by BMZ.


The position will be embedded in the research unit Forestry Worldwide which focus on sustainable forest management in a landscape context, the potential of forest management for sustainable development and its influence on livelihoods of rural populations in the tropics. An important prerequisite for this is the reconciling of land use with climate goals and the conservation of biodiversity.

The position will be part of the research project "GEOSpatial remote sensing-based detection of land use change in support of the EU regulation on deforestation-free supply chains (GEOS-EUDR)" funded by BMZ. The project supports the implementation of sustainable and deforestation-free supply chains and accompanies the implementation of the EU regulation on deforestation-free supply chains (EUDR) from a scientific perspective. It aims to improve the implementation of the regulation in the area of geolocalization and detection of deforestation and forest degradation using remote sensing and geocomputational approaches. It considers the feasibility of EUDR-compliant implementation along the entire stakeholder chain – from geodata collection by producers to desk-based monitoring by national authorities.


Organisation/Funding Institution: Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute

Location: Hamburg, Germany

Deadlines: 07 Feb 2024

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Agrecol opportunity: Overseas internship in ecologically oriented agriculture in Senegal

The Association for AgriCulture & Ecology (Agrecol e.V.) in Germany offers internship placements and travel grants for students enrolled in universities and colleges in German-speaking countries. For the coming year (2024), the Association can arrange one internship placement in ecologically oriented agriculture with its partner organisation Agrecol-Afrique in Thiès, Senegal.

The internship offers students an opportunity to acquire practical knowledge in sustainable agriculture and land management in a developing country. By living and working in another sociocultural environment, students can also gain valuable intercultural experiences. The Agrecol Association in Germany covers the travel costs for a round-trip flight between Europe and Senegal. Further information about the internship programme and the requirements can be found in the announcement using the button below.


Organisation/Funding Institution: Association for AgriCulture & Ecology (Agrecol e.V.)

Location: Thiès, Senegal

Deadlines: 29 Feb 2024

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Agrecol opportunity: Overseas internship in ecologically oriented agriculture in Bolivia

The Association for AgriCulture & Ecology (Agrecol e.V.) in Germany offers internship placements and travel stipends for students enrolled in universities and colleges in German-speaking countries. In 2024, the Association can arrange one internship placement in ecologically oriented agriculture with its partner organisation Mollesnejta in Cochabamba, Bolivia.

The internship offers students an opportunity to acquire practical knowledge in sustainable agriculture and land management in a developing country. By living and working in another sociocultural environment, students can also gain valuable intercultural experiences.

The Agrecol Association in Germany covers the travel costs for a round-trip flight between Europe and Bolivia. Further information about the internship programme and the requirements can be found in the announcement using the button below.


Organisation/Funding Institution: Association for AgriCulture & Ecology (Agrecol e.V.)

Location: Thiès, Senegal

Deadlines: 29 Feb 2024

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ATSAF Call for applications: MSc Career Exploration Scholarship - Junior Scientists Tandems (JST)

Junior Scientists Tandems (JST) is a MSc Career Exploration Scholarship and part of the ATSAF Academy. It represents an evolution of our established Junior Scientists Program and can use synergies with our PhD Research Scholarships. Furthermore, it expands the promotion of young scientists along scientific career paths in development-oriented agricultural research.

The aim of the JST is to inspire young people for development-oriented agricultural research, to qualify them in this field in an internationally competitive manner and rejuvenate and expand the corresponding professional networks.

ATSAF supports MSc students with:

  • A scholarship for a period of six months
  • 5000 € for MSc students (of any nationality) enrolled at a German university staying at a CGIAR++ center
  • 7000 € for MSc students from a university of an OECD-DAC partner country staying at a German research institution
  • The opportunity to collect data to complete the Master of Science degree
  • Administrative support from ATSAF
  • A Networking & Training Platform with inception trainings, webinars, and forums

In order to be eligible for support, MSc students must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Completion of at least 1 MSc semester of agricultural sciences or another development-related degree course
  • Proficiency in English
  • Supervisor from a German university and a CGIAR++ research center supporting the application and research topic
  • International liability and health insurance
  • A high degree of sensitivity towards the culture in the country of assignment
  • Team playing skills
  • Willingness to assume responsibility and to work independently
  • Willingness to engulf in six months of research abroad
  • Female students and students from universities in OECD-DAC partner countries are particularly encouraged to apply!

If you have any questions or need help with the application procedure, please contact Beatrice Breuer or Sabine Baumgartner (


Organisation/Funding Institution: ATSAF e.V., Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

Location: Worldwide

Deadlines: No deadline, applications are accepted at any time

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More vacancies at international research centres

CGIAR is a global partnership that unites organizations engaged in research for a food-secure future. Please click the button below to open the list of current vacancies in the CGIAR system.

CGIAR vacancies

Two more centres, icipe and WorldVeg, who are supported by ATSAF:

icipe vacancies
WorldVeg vacancies

Permanent links to other interesting sites can be found on our homepage

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Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Tropische und Subtropische Agrarforschung e.V.

c/o University of Hohenheim (490g)

70593 Stuttgart

Tel:  +49 711 47040789

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